Bridges, grants and stewardship

Swan Valley Community Council meets for January

The Jan. 21 meeting of the Swan Valley Community Council was devoted to information. Presentations from Missoula County officials and from a variety of organizations with interests affecting the Seeley-Swan area permeated the gathering with conversations on bridges, grant programs and various local natural resource conservation organizations in the valleys.

Each presenter stressed that resources are available for everything from small grants to multimillion-dollar bridges, but they don’t succeed unless ground-level citizens express their interest and support.

Shane Stack of Missoula County Public Works reviewed plans for bridge replacements and repairs, specifically Kraft Creek Bridge, Cold Creek Bridge, Glacier Creek Bridge, and two on Styler Road.

“Many of these bridges are aged and wooden, with the risks being obvious,” Stack said.

RAISE grants from the federal government have been applied for, as well as PROTECT grants from the Montana Department of Transportation to fund these bridge projects. Stack said contacting senators and representatives is influential when it comes to grant approval.

Heidi West from the Missoula County Community and Planning Services office presented the Rural Grant Program, which supports projects ranging from archery equipment at the Swan Valley School to Friday clubs for kids. Micro-grants are for projects between $100 and $500 that can be completed in 90 days, and impact grants are $501 to $4,000 that can be completed by Dec. 31. Learn more at

Numerous conservation organizations attended the January meeting to present their missions and brief the council on upcoming and ongoing projects.

The Blackfoot Challenge is an organization dedicated to “protecting and enhancing resources of the Blackfoot River watershed for future generations,” according to Jim Stone, an Ovando rancher and longtime leader in the group. Bringing persons of disparate interests together to resolve problems and pursue common goals has been the mission of the Blackfoot Challenge over several decades.

Jessy Stevenson of the Wilderness Society presented the Crown Conservation project, a community and tribal-led effort to balance the recreational and commercial interests in the Crown of the Continent.

Jeff Kemp of the Swan Lakers outlined his group’s efforts in monitoring and protecting water quality in Swan Lake, monitoring boats for invasive species, cleaning up local highways and providing scholarships for area students. The group has over 200 members.

Scott Thompson of the Clearwater Resource Council based in Seeley Lake listed his organization’s priorities as water quality monitoring in the Seeley and Clearwater watersheds, and fuel reduction in wildlands.

Swan Valley Connections presented its mission as “inspiring conservation and expanding stewardship” in the valley’s forests. Bear education and management were emphasized, as was trail management through contract with federal agencies. SVC is now in a new home adjacent to the Swan Valley Center.

Gwen Feese of Stewards of the Swan Valley noted that her group, active in the Holland Lake discussion, remains active and interested in community-based stewardship.

Beyond presentations from these organizations, the council discussed vacant seats and other internal points.

Swan Valley Community Council Chairperson Grace Siloti said there is a vacant seat on the community council due to a member moving. This is a partial term ending May 31, 2027, and there will be two other seats as terms end. Applications for these positions are available online at

Council member Ted Morgan reported that funding efforts to improve the sporting court behind the community center are underway.

The planning committee, the council’s group formulating a long-term plan for the Swan Valley, should have a draft by April. The group is planning a visit to the Condon Work Center to determine any role it might have going forward.


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