Being titled the Mother of God is unbelievable to some but credible because Jesus, who is God, said, "I and the Father are one" (John 10:22-42); additionally, Thomas said, "... My Lord, and my God!" (John 20:21-31)
Mary is called "woman," a respectful, theological title revealing Mary's cooperation in Jesus' work of salvation while faithfully rectifying the disobedience of the first woman, Eve.
God said, "I will put enmities between thee [serpent Devil] and the woman [Mary], and thy seed and her seed: she [through Jesus] shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." (Genesis 3:1-24)
During the wedding at Cana, "When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, 'They have no wine.'
Jesus said to her, 'Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour is not yet come.'
His mother said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you.'" (John 2:1-11)
Mary interceded in faith for them and us to Jesus who then began His salvific purpose by miraculously changing the water into wine manifesting His glory, prefiguring the miracles at the Last Supper.
In Matthew 26:26-29, Jesus said the bread is His Body and the chalice (wine) is His Blood. Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Holy Orders saying, "Do this ..." Jesus gives validly ordained priests the power to miraculously change the bread and wine into His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity physically presenting Jesus into all Catholic Churches.
At Jesus' crucifixion, "When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, 'Woman, behold, your son."
Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother.'"
Jesus, dying and needing a caregiver, gave His Mother to "the disciple who took her into his home." (John 19:25-30)
Jesus' words apply to all: "Behold, your mother." In 1531, Our Lady of Guadalupe said to Saint Juan Diego, "Am I not here, I, who am your Mother?"
The title "woman" is purposeful as Mary's cooperation in Jesus' salvation flourishes when Jesus gives her, as a spiritual Mother, to humanity who may ask for her to intercede to Him. Jesus always grants Mary's requests on our behalf, to benefit our souls, since she is "the handmaid of the Lord" and says "yes" to God, see Luke 1:26-38.
"A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars" refers to Mary, Queen of Heaven as evidenced also by Our Lady of Guadalupe's miraculous presence and image.
"She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth," (Revelation 12:1-6) represents Mary, the Immaculate Conception who was conceived without original sin, and remaining sinless, painlessly delivered Jesus, though in spiritual pain. "And thy own soul a sword shall pierce ..." (Luke 2:22-38) as Mary beheld the redemptive suffering of her crucified Son, sacrificed for our sins.
"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners ..."
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