Focuses for SD 38 this legislative session

Montana has weighed in with the national, state and local elections. The most important election results reflect concerns vocalized, right here, by our Montana residents. In the upcoming session, I’m looking forward to supporting the Governor’s “Path to Security and Prosperity,” promoting economic development and more good-paying jobs. Overall, we are prioritizing strengthened family success and prosperity.

One of my key priorities in Senate District 38 is to support promoting student outcomes through educational options and funding transparency. Looking at the stats, more money for schools doesn’t necessarily translate into more money reaching the classroom or improved student proficiencies. Over half of our property taxes pays for school funding. You’ve put us on notice to steward those dollars more efficiently and effectively.

Another one of my priorities is to modernize the property tax system. The high rate of property taxes, especially the increasing values of residential properties, affects all of us. The challenge here is to avoid transferring tax liability to other rate payers. We’ve heard you: “Taxes are too high, and spending needs more scrutiny.”

My overall goal continues to focus on minimizing government and taxation burdens, while promoting the success of Montana’s education, economy and our rule of law. I’m committed to work for the improvement and preservation of our Montana way of life. It is my honor and privilege to serve the voters of SD 38 and our state. During the 69th Legislative Session, beginning next month, I’ve been assigned to the Senate Local Government, Senate Taxation and the Senate Education Committees. I hear from a number of our neighbors on a regular basis, and want to invite you to engage with me and our elected officials by visiting our Montana Legislative website, and by contacting me at


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