Legality does not equal morality

Montana’s CI-128 constitutional amendment unfortunately passed enshrining “the right to abortion.”

Consider the God-given right of life for the preborn whose lives are determined by the grave choices of others, misled mothers-to-be and misinformed voters.

Elections have consequences. Jesus will judge us on the choices we made. Should we do evil so good may come of it? See Romans 3:8; 6:1. Legality does not equal morality.

In the 1400-1500s, the Aztecs in Mexico were idol worshippers cutting out hearts, sacrificing humans to their gods. Not too different today is abortion sacrificing, to the god of self, innocent preborn babies silently suffering, helpless in the presumed sanctuary of their mothers’ wombs.

Through Jesus’ one and only sacrifice for our salvation with His blood covering our sins and pouring out mercy, God chose not to destroy the Aztecs in Dec. 9-12, 1531 as He did the “wicked, great sinners” at Sodom and Gomorrah, see Genesis 13-19. God sent the Blessed Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Guadalupe instead. With love and compassion, millions were converted through their language of symbols depicted on Our Lady’s miraculous, pregnant, powerful image revealed on Saint Juan Diego’s cloak. That image, nearly 500 years old without deterioration even though on fragile fiber, is currently displayed at the Basilica in Mexico City.

Some say, “never discuss religion or politics,” which are the most hot-button yet consequential topics that we should discuss softening hearts and opening minds to the truth promoting prudent choices affecting our eternal welfare.

Think adoption.


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