Grace in the middle of sad events

So many topics, but my heart grieves for events locally.

As happens in every community, we have had some sad events in our community. A couple of Saturdays ago, a guy was driving erratically, passing in no passing zones and shooting randomly. Leading to a police encounter and ending with him taking his own life. Then the next day, two gals and another couple were involved in a collision just south of our town. There were fatalities and others went to hospital.

Of course, it is life in a small town, so the gossip is flying, the rumors are everywhere and speculation is off the charts. Nobody except the actual families know the real details. But nonetheless it is impacting us as we find out the information and realize the interconnected nature of relationships in our community.

In recent days we have seen tragedy and heartbreak on the national level, and we should grieve with those folk as well. If we feel no compassion, what does that say about our humanity? But what is a spiritual response in times such as these? “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want…” (Psalm 23) is a place to start. I know I often ask, “Who is your shepherd’?”

Often, the initial reaction is the gossip and rumor mill that churn out stories that confuse more than clarify. Then we feel a bit of pain and guilt that we need to “do something.” In some cases, money is a help, in others it is the compassionate heart that reaches out to let people know they are not alone. For some there is no correct answer or solution, and all I can do is offer to pray for them in the time of loss and heartache. I often offer some scripture to draw them to a sense of God’s presence, here are a couple for us to contemplate.

“The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart...” (Psalm 34:18)

“Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)

One that reminds us that there is comfort in community is, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15)

There are many others that remind me of God’s heart for the hurting. Would you pray for our community in this time of tragedy? This is not the first nor the last for tragedy in our lives. So, my prayer is that somehow in this time we realize that life is short, but that God loves and cares for His children.

I’m thankful I/we can go straight to God and not have to pray through a church or priest/pastor. My prayer is that we come to know God personally, as His beloved children both now and for all eternity.

God, grant us grace and peace in hard times.


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