Good old boy gone bad

Jon Tester tries to project the image of a local Montanan fighting against the bureaucrats in Washington D.C. It is interesting that during Tester’s last election cycle, he did not carry the county in which he lives. Seemingly, those are the people that know him best.

At this time, the Democrats hold a razor thin majority in the Senate. Out-of-state donors have contributed tens of millions to Tester’s re-election. Tester’s vote has been key to enabling the Biden-Harris administration to pass woke legislation and policies relating to border control, inflation reduction, energy production, etc.

What the Democrats have allowed to take place at the U.S. border constitutes treason. Many thousands of convicted criminals have been allowed to enter our country. I am afraid the most serious repercussions from open borders are yet to come.

The massive spending bills Tester voted for have increased our national debt to nearly an unmanageable amount.

Much of the legislation introduced by the radical left is based on emotion rather than reason. One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intention rather than their results.

Tester has been feeding out of the public trough for too many years. It is time he got back on his tractor and rode off into the sunset.

Never forget the people made America great, not the government.


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