Seceding from Missoula County is not the solution

In 2020 Montanans elected a super-majority of Republicans to govern our Last Best Place. Republicans currently control every branch of government. The consequences of that election cost ordinary Montanans dearly. Homeowners saw huge property tax increases. Housing costs increased and that burden is passed on to renters. Our utility rates were also raised by 28% by a Republican dominated Public Service Commission. Montanans are understandably upset about being priced out of our homes.

Who is getting blamed for this catastrophic mess? Montana counties.

In the rust-red Seeley Swan Valley, a group of individuals’ “solution” to high cost of living and taxes is to secede from Missoula County. Led by Republican candidate for HD 91, Ted Morgan, a group started a petition to secede and, in his words, “be able to control our tax dollars.” By some accounts they are exploring options, one being joining Lake County.

My husband and I lived in Lake County for 20 years. We paid some of the highest property taxes in the state. Our county rural road had potholes that could swallow a school bus. We would not have purchased our Swan Valley property if it had been in Lake County. We did our research when looking for our Last Best Place.

What on earth makes Morgan and company think that they’d have more control over their tax dollars in Lake County than in Missoula County? Missoula County commissioners have attended many community meetings, bringing experts to patiently explain how tax dollars are spent and engineers who explain road maintenance and priorities.

If high property taxes and cost of living are your gripe, blame Montana Governor Greg Gianforte, the Republican dominated legislature and the PSC and vote them out. Mr. Morgan and company do not speak for us and for many others in the area who are very happy to be part of Missoula County.


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