
Thirty five years ago …

Thursday Aug. 31, 1989

Back to school at S.L Elementary

The Seeley Lake Elementary PTA will be hosting an orientation for new families and a membership drive on the first day of school. Refreshments will be provided and families are invited to stop in the new cafeteria and visit with them.

School starts for Seeley Lake Elementary on Tuesday, Sept. 5. Class times are 8:25 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. The school will be participating in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program with hot meals being provided everyday. The cost for the lunch is $0.90 per day. Buses will run on the same schedules as last year, but if you have any questions about buses, please contact Joann Heninger at 793-5717.

New residents to the area are urged to register their children before school starts. Immunization records must be presented for those children entering school for the first time. Also, anyone interested in substitute teaching must fill out a new application to be on file for this year as previous applications are no longer available.

The sports program for the Junior High level will begin on Sept. 6. The program is open to girls grades five through eight for basketball and students grades six through eight for football. All interested students must have physicals before they can participate.

This year we welcome three new members to the staff. Mr. Douglas Starks will be joining us as the music/band teacher of the elementary school and Seeley-Swan High School. Mr. Starks is coming to us from Colorado and has a varied musical background. Mrs. Becky Gehrke will be co-teaching P.E. with Mrs. Marilyn Kaiser. Mrs. Kaiser will also be teaching fifth grade subjects. Mrs. Gehrke was on the staff of Seeley Lake Elementary School several years ago and we welcome her back. Mr. Dan White joins us as the principal of Swan Valley Elementary School in Condon.

For further information, contact the school at 677-2265. We are looking forward to seeing all of you again for a terrific new year.

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Twenty years ago …

Thursday Sept. 2, 2004

Another Eagle Scout project completed

The third Eagle Scout project in recent years has been completed in our community. Beau Rammell, Currently a Life Scout in Troop 1919, designed, organized, secured funding and supervised the building of a walkway and pavilion for his church, Holy Cross Lutheran Church.

There are many steps a boy has to go through in bringing an Eagle Project from a concept to the completed project. He has to make detailed drawings of his idea including a plot plan for the building site, front, side and top elevation views of the building. He has to put together a materials list with estimated cost for the project, and state where he is going to get the funding for the materials.

He had to determine who was going to make up his work crew, and then take into consideration safety issues related to a construction site.

Rammell articulated the concept he had in his head into a meaningful presentation to four adult groups.

Once he put his ideas into writing, he had to present the project and get approval from his scout master, members of the church, the local scout committee, and then finally to the Mullan Trail District Eagle Board in Missoula.

Rammell’s project took 45 hours for the planning and preparation, then 94 hours of actual onsite work for Rammell and his crew to build the pavilion and walkway.

The project was completed with donated items or items that were bought locally with funding from Holy Cross Lutheran Church.

Rammell would like to thank his dad Jaylund, Gary Malecha, Bruce Wold, Mike Biggins, Will Harlock, Frank Maradeo and Micheal Biggins for their help on the construction site.

Many local businesses also made the project possible. Thanks to Gary Malecha Construction, Pyramid Mountain Lumber, Timberline Building Materials and Rent-All for their contributions.

Also, a special thank you to Gary Malecha for his willingness to mentor Rammell with his project. In addition to working on the construction site itself Gary worked closely with Rammell in the planning stages and provided tools and equipment that made the project possible.

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