Library news, finishing up the summer reading program

The summer reading program finishes Thursday, Aug. 22. Reading logs can be turned in through the end of the day. The grand-prize drawing will be on Monday, Aug. 26. A special thank you to the Ice Cream Place for donating small cones for each kiddo who completes a reading log. This steadfast support for years from the ICP makes the summer reading program such a treat for the kids.

Also, thank you to Linda Orr, who donates a blanket with a hand-crocheted border each year for the summer reading program. This is one of the fabulous prizes that can be won in Monday’s grand-prize drawing.

On to the monthly library book club. This month’s pick is Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin. It takes place in the zany-quirky setting of 1970s San Francisco. The characters are likewise zany and quirky. The author originally wrote each chapter as a series in the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper in the late seventies. It begins a series of 12 novels, five of which were serialized, concluding in 2014 with The Days of Anna Madrigal. The novels were adapted into a television miniseries in 1994 and even a musical in 2010.

Our next gathering is likely to be a delightful conversation exploring these quirky characters. The book club will meet next on Thursday, Sept. 5 at 11 a.m. in the Seeley Lake Public Library.


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