Protecting dogs from the heat

During the summer, it's important to keep yourself safe on hot days. It's also important to keep your furry friends safe, and there are a lot of ways to do that.

The Pathfinder spoke with Holli Hargrove, animal control manager with Missoula County Animal Control to pick her brain on the best ways to take care of man's best friend when it's hot. This conversation has been edited for clarity.

Pathfinder: What is the most important thing dog owners should keep in mind about protecting their dogs from the heat in the summer?

Hargrove: Know the signs and symptoms of overheating so owners can get their pet to a veterinarian for treatment. Extreme temperatures can cause heat stroke and death.

(According to the American Kennel Club, "Clear warning signs of overheating in dogs include frantic panting, extreme salivation, bright-red membrane and labored breathing." Other signs could be vomiting, diarrhea and a dog's mouth could turn either gray or purple.)

P: How can people make sure their dogs get enough exercise on hot days?

HH: Exercise early in the morning or later in the evening when it isn't so hot. When you do exercise your pets, limit the amount of time spent outside on hot days.

P: What is the hottest temperature acceptable for dogs to be outside?

HH: This would better be answered by a veterinarian but I would say it depends on the dog. Here at the shelter we limit outdoor exercise when it reaches 80 to 85 degrees. However, I've had a dog who would overheat at 70 degrees if I exercised her. Younger dogs and senior dogs will be more susceptible along with flat-faced or short muzzle dogs like pugs, bulldogs and shih tzus. Overweight dogs and medical conditions can also be a factor.

P: What are some ways pet owners without air conditioning can keep their dogs cool?

HH: Make sure that pets always have plenty of fresh, clean and cool water available to them. You can put ice cubes in the water or make frozen doggie treats to give them. Give them a cool place to lay or even a cool wet towel. An owner might also find a doggie daycare facility that has AC available.

P: What is something every dog owner should know when it comes to protecting their dogs from the heat?

HH: Leave your pet at home on hot days. Never leave a pet in a parked car and if the pavement feels uncomfortable to the back of your hand, it's too hot for your dog's paws.

Author Bio

Clara Kyrouac, Intern

Local news lover

Seeley-Swan High School 2024 graduate with plans of attending the University of Montana's School of Journalism in 2025.


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