
Thirty-five years ago ...

Thursday June 22, 1989

Grand Marshals chosen for Swan Valley Fourth of July Parade

The Grand Marshalls for the annual Swan Valley Fourth of July Parade for 1989 are Dorothy Clothier and Winnie Kaiser, Legion members announced last week. The pioneer women will be honored at the celebration in Condon and will ride in the parade, which begins at Liquid Louie's at 11 a.m. on July 4.

Members of the American Legion Post 63 are organizing the parade. People who would like to enter the parade should contact Boyd Kessler, Bob Reed, or Walter Weeks in Swan Valley. Parade lineup will begin at 10 a.m. with judging to follow. Ribbons will be awarded to first, second and third place winners in four categories: floats, animals (horses and riders, mules and wagons, etc.), children, and "other" (antique cars, etc.). Special awards will be given for Best of Theme and Most Original. The theme for this year's parade is the Montana Centennial: The Past 100 Years.

Other holiday events scheduled at the Swan Valley Community Hall at Condon include the annual Swan Valley Condon Quick Response Unit barbecue and dance on the night of July 3. The QRU raffle will be held on July 4 at 3 p.m.

Local horsemen are organizing an O-Mok-See which will begin at the arena next to the Community Hall at noon on the fourth. For more information about entering the O-Mok-See call Dixie Parker (Mrs. Larry Parker) in Swan Valley.

Community Club members will serve hamburgers and soda pop throughout the afternoon. Legion members will once again set up their beer garden. The local history club is also sponsoring a demonstration and display from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Community Hall on July 4.

Read this and more at: 22.pdf

Twenty years ago ...

Thursday June 24, 2004

SLES Discovery Field Trip to SEC

On a sunny day in May, approximately 50 Seeley Lake first, second and third graders arrived at the Condon Work Center for a day of outdoor activity and nature hikes.

Once everyone was accounted for, the students were divided into small groups of about five to six students. Swan Ecosystem Center (SEC) volunteers either guided the children to stations at the Work Center or assisted in transporting the small groups to nearby ponds to observe, hike, listen and sketch the wildlife around them.

SEC volunteer presenters for the fun-filled activity day included local residents Paula Clarke, Jill Jolly, Russ Abolt, Claudia Kux and Alan "Pete" Taylor.

The stations at the Work Center included a River Soup station, a Busy Bugs station, and an Indian Trees station.

At the River Soup station, students took a close look at the local flora and fauna, including aquatic vegetation and insects, starting first with their fingers.

At the Indian Trees station, Russ Abolt demonstrated peeling fresh cambium from Ponderosa Pine tree bark, a spring delicacy for local Native Americans.

At the Busy Bug station, students learned about bark beetles and their fancy engraving, which often kills the trees they inhabit.

Volunteer Claudia Kux encouraged students to learn more about the animals in the area. Students created a web of life between habitat and animals.

The Field Trip to SEC offered the students a first-hand look at the environment they live in, helping them to appreciate the natural beauty of the valley.

Read this and more at: 24.pdf


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