June is busy at the library

Summer Reading Program — “Adventure Begins In Your Library”

This year’s Summer Reading Program at your Seeley Lake Public Library welcomes explorers of all ages to embark on an exciting journey of discovery, imagination and learning. The Summer Reading Program begins on Monday, June 17. Come by the library to sign up and receive your free bag of goodies. Lots of prizes will be available throughout the summer, including coupons for small ice-cream cones from the Ice Cream Place for completed reading logs. The Summer Reading Program is made possible with support from The Foundation for Missoula Public Library, grant funds from Town Pump’s special program for rural libraries and community member donations.

All Under One Roof “Road Show” Thursday, June 20 from 1 - 4 p.m.

Join the crew from the Missoula Public Library for a day of activities and fun at the Seeley Lake Branch Library. A range of hands-on activities will occur exploring reading, crafting, science and technology. Come experience spectrUM’s solar telescope, MCAT’s interactive storytelling circle, the library’s all ages craft activities, Families First’s take home space activities, the UM Living Lab’s space explorer brain games and more!

Library Book Club

This month’s Book Club pick is The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan (2006). This National Book Award-winning story follows twelve families through the rise and fall of their terrifying struggle in the Great Plains region during the worst part of the Depression. Through Egan’s beautiful story-telling, these families help readers appreciate a very difficult chapter of environmental disaster in our American history. The book club will gather on Thursday, July 11 at 11 a.m. to discuss. Refreshments provided.

Summer Library Closures

Wednesday, June 19 - Juneteenth

Thursday, July 4 - Independence Day


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