Judges endorse Wilson

As retired Montana judges, we join to endorse Judge Dan Wilson of Flathead County in his bid for election to the Montana Supreme Court. This year, Montanans will elect two new Justices to our state’s highest court. Chief Justice Mike McGrath and Associate Justice Dirk Sandefer have announced their retirements at the end of 2024. Judge Wilson is running for the Associate Justice position.

We have the unique perspective as retired members of Montana’s judiciary to have observed Judge Wilson’s years of work as a District Court Judge. We find that he possesses the experience and background, judicial demeanor and work ethic, and a singular devotion to the Constitution and rule of law to make him a stalwart member of our Supreme Court.

We hope you will join us in supporting Judge Dan Wilson for the Montana Supreme Court.


Honorable Russell C. Fagg, District Court Judge

for the Montana Thirteenth Judicial District (Retired)

Honorable Ed McLean, District Court Judge

for the Montana Fourth Judicial District (Retired)

Honorable Karen Townsend, District Court Judge

for the Montana Fourth Judicial District (Retired)

Honorable John Warner, District Court Judge

for the Montana Twelfth Judicial District (Retired) and

Associate Justice of the Montana Supreme Court (Retired)


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