Candidates aren't Montanans

The people of Montana have elected:

· Our Governor, who is from California,

· Our junior Senator, also from California,

· A Representative, from Maryland.

All three are wealthy and have shown a general disregard for what the people of Montana care about and who want to sell our public lands to the highest bidder because they have no feeling of “ownership” in these lands without deeds in their names.

In addition, we have a wealthy Representative (who has shown a disregard for transparency or conserving public money and spends most of his time outside the state), and a wealthy candidate for Senator from Minnesota - both of whom served in the military.

As a U. S. Marine, I appreciate their service. However, I cannot support their implications that serving is in some way a qualification for public office. Nor is simply being a business owner. Government is not, and cannot be, run like a military unit or a business. One of a government’s primary functions is to provide services, not make a profit. All the above mentioned people are profit motivated – not a good fit for public service.

All these elected officials have at one time or another professed that public lands should be put in the hands of local politicians even though a large majority of the Montana public disagrees. First, it is highly unlikely that Montana could afford long-term care of these public lands, which make up approximately 1/3 of the state. If Montana assumes long-term care of these public lands,but can’t afford it, the land would eventually be available for private purchase and Montana citizens excluded from having access.

Beyond the above, I am appalled at the number of “public servants” in both the Montana Legislature and Congress who claim to be patriots, but who have not shown the intestinal fortitude to offer their lives in the service of protecting this great Republic, yet instead apparently want to demolish it – example: Rosendale voting to let the government go into default and not paying government workers, those on welfare, or Social Security recipients, but getting his own pay as “ESSENTIAL” to the economy he is trying to destroy. It is my opinion he, and many others, want this country to become a dictatorship with the Golden Loser at the helm. I believe they fail to see they will become subservient along with the rest of us.

Further, as a demonstration of a Navy Seal’s overblown ego, Sheehy wants to start his political career near the top nationally rather than at a local level where he could learn how it works and how to be effective at governing.

Vote for those who still believe, and demonstrate, that Montana and our country are better than that.


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