Boys basketball splits opening home games

The Seeley Swan High School boys basketball team split its opening season games against two larger opponents last week, beating Superior High School on Dec. 15, and losing to Thompson Falls on Dec. 16.

Both opposing schools are listed as Class B high schools, which is one division above Seeley Swan for size. That didn't matter to the Blackhawks against Superior, as the team led for most of the game and only allowed one point in the fourth quarter.

Head Coach Mike Haines said the team had a slow start in the game, but the improved as the game progressed. He said the team's goal is to score at least 15 points a quarter.

Seniors Jalen Kauffman and Nic Little Coyote started the game strong with multiple buckets in the paint. Sophomore Blake Irwin added perimeter shooting and scored a couple three pointers.

The team beat Superior High School 66-29. On Dec. 16, the Blackhawks lost to Thompson Falls High School 40-57. Haines said the team started too slow for that game, missed shots and couldn't reach the scoring goals they hoped for.

The Blackhawks hope to reignite that scoring spark versus Drummond on Dec. 19 and Charlo on Dec. 21. Both games will be played in Seeley Lake.


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