Dear fellow Montanans and friends who love Montana

In the early 1900s, my great-grandfather came west from Missouri and settled with his family in a wooded area near Alberton. He was drawn to western Montana, he said, by the “power and beauty of the Rocky Mountain front.” 

It was the tradition of my great-grandfather and those of us who came after him to support political candidates who best represent our state, regardless of party. While my father voted twice for Dwight Eisenhower, he became a Kennedy Democrat in 1960, partly because of Kennedy’s strong advocacy for the conservation of public land and resources. As a born and bred Montanan, I too have strong feelings about conserving our beautiful public lands.

That’s why I’m inviting you to meet Ryan Busse.

Our state is made up primarily of small communities, hundreds of miles apart. We rarely get the opportunity to have the ear and hear the voice of someone running to be chief executive of our Last Best Place. Ryan Busse is running for Governor as an advocate for ALL Montanans and as a champion for our Montana way of life.

Greg Gianforte tossed responsible state management aside. He raised our taxes, defunded our public schools, is locking up our public lands, and his extreme, intolerant religious views threaten our freedoms.

Rather than voting for the candidate that represents the R or D in your political party, please take the opportunity to listen to the candidate who is willing to best represent all of us. Ask yourself, “Am I better off than I was four years ago?” “Is Montana better off?” “Which candidate cares more about my liberties and offers me the most access to Montana’s wilderness, parks, and waters?”

Let’s bring back the rugged independence Montanans once shared and support a new brand for Montana.


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