Thirty-five years ago...
Thursday Dec. 8, 1988
Seeley Lake Ranger District gets third award for effort
This past summer the Canyon Creek fire on the Lolo National Forest came close to consuming an award winning bridge inside the Scapegoat wilderness.
In the summer of 1987, Forest Service employees on the Seeley Lake Ranger District constructed a new bridge over the North Fork of the Blackfoot River. Using materials native to the area and no motorized equipment, the bridge crew replaced three spans of the 90-foot bridge, bridge abutments and piers. Earlier this year, the Forest Service awarded the bridge crew the Northern Region’s 1987 Primitive Skills Award in recognition of the primitive and historic skills used to construct the bridge.
On Saturday, Dec. 3, the Seeley Lake Ranger District received their third award for reconstruction of the bridge. The American Wilderness Alliance selected the Seeley Lake District as the recipient of their 1987 Wilderness Primitive Skills Award. A plaque will be accepted by Orville Daniels, Supervisor of the Lolo National Forest, at the annual meeting of the Montana Wilderness Association in Kalispell.
Twenty-two years ago...
Thursday Dec. 11, 2003
Infrastructure meeting takes a look at various projects underway or under consideration
A sewer system, USFS forest and land management, and news about work on Highway 83 were just a few of the topics discussed at this year’s Infrastructure meeting..
The Community Council hosted the annual Infrastructure meeting on Nov. 3 at the Seeley Lake Community Hall.
Following is the summary of the meeting.
Lee Kramer, USFS Team Leader for Plan Revision
David Aune, PE addressing Wastewater Management Practice/Sewer System
George Frasca, Transportation Committee member
Hank Goetz–Blackfoot Challenge
Tim Love–for the Seeley Lake Ranger District
Tim Love–for the Hospital District
Chief Frank Maradeo–Seeley Lake Volunteer Fire Department
Bruce Friede–State Highway
Ray Cebulski–MEC
Mark Mizner-Welch–Home School
Wade Cebulski–Seeley Lake Airport
John Haufler–Clearwater Resource Council
Cheryl Thompson–Trail Report/Community Hall
Don Bissell–Lions Club
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