It is time to step up

Volunteers are the heartbeat of America! Throughout the history of our great country, volunteers have led the way to a better tomorrow.

People who give, such as the founders of our country, giving hands in natural disasters or social injustices, to local people taking part in PTA, volunteers have left a legacy for the benefit of others. Never has there been a more critical time for good caring people to pitch in and help have influence on the values and conditions that affect you, your family, community, country, and world.

Remember, all it takes for bad things to happen to good people is for good people to sit back and do nothing. In contrast, there is no joy as fulfilling, satisfying and beneficial as giving of your time, talents and resources through volunteering for a worthy cause.

Clearwater Valley is a place for those who live and recreate here, hold dear to their hearts. For some it is the rural culture and peaceful conditions that radiate here. For others it is the natural beauty and crystal clear lakes, streams, and mountain splendor that gives you pleasure and joy. For many the connection of family and friends is hard to separate from the heritage and culture that exists in the Clearwater Chainof-Lakes Valley. Our economy is held together by natural resources and recreational richness in this special place.

So, here comes the jolt! We cannot just take the natural beauty and cultural vitality for granted. Without giving something back to preserve those things we hold dear they will gradually change and disappear, right under our feet.

We as a community are becoming increasingly aware of ecological, economic, and cultural factors that are negatively threatening and/or harming our way of life and the place we love dearly.

So, what are WE going to do about these issues? Are we going to sit back and do nothing more than boldly express, “THEY” need to protect and fix what we care about? Is the solution more government, policy, taxes, and enforcement? For that is the consequence of sitting back and expecting others to solve our driving concerns. Do we care enough to step up and volunteer to help create the future we desire?

What is the strength of a community that pulls together to create shared vision around driving issues and concern in our economic, cultural, and natural resources wellbeing? The answer is it is tremendous!

Self-empowered Communities in action, get politician’s and government agencies attention. These entities are in place to ensure that natural resources and social wellbeing are preserved.

When communities sit back and wait for someone else to solve their concerns, they get what they get, and that is what someone else thinks is best. You see, we can make a difference if we just come together and take part as volunteers to help carve our future. It really is that simple! If we choose to give a little of our time, talents, and effort to those concerns most dear to our heart, we can make an enormous difference.

We can build a better tomorrow if we have volunteer leaders who will help build localized community partnerships and plan together with affected interests to create shared vision around issues threatening what we call home. Collective effort by caring volunteers will empower our community to take charge of finding innovative solutions and strategies to improve our economic, culture and ecological resiliency.

The Clearwater Resource Council, a local nonprofit organization, is seeking volunteers who want to help build a resilient community for today and tomorrow. Getting involved is fun, enjoyable, effective, and empowering for individuals and families, young and old, rich, or poor. Consider volunteering to help sustain the future of our valley. Become a voice for action!

To join, send an email to or visit our website at and sign up to use your talents to build a better tomorrow.


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