Archives for Oct. 19

Thirty-five years ago...

Thursday, October 20, 1988

Swan Valley girl recognized for 'superior talent,' poem to be published in national book.

Tracy Kearney, Swan Valley 15- year-old, recently received notice that one of her poems will be published next spring in a book titled "Days of Future Past" published by the National Library of Poetry.

The publication is considered to be a major poetry anthology which showcases the most popular poets and songwriters in America today. More than 20,000 young people submitted poems for consideration.

Tracy is the daughter of Les and Dar Kearney, Swan Valley. She submitted her poem to the National Library of Poetry at the urging of several friends.

"I would really like to thank my family, and Penny Thomas, Loretta Cooper and my best friend Rosie Terrillion for encouraging me," Tracy said recently. Penny Thomas is the English teacher at Swan Valley Elementary School. Loretta Cooper is the librarian at Seeley- Swan High School. Without their support, Tracy said she might not have gone ahead with the project.

The National Library of Poetry commended Kearney, stating that her poem "reflects superior talent.". Her poem, which is also now being considered for the North American Open Poetry Competition, was also one which she recited during her eighth grade graduation in the spring of 1988.

Tracy has never before been recognized by a national organization. She has had poems published in Rural Montana magazine, however.

The poem which has now won honors for her is titled, "Our Years":

The future brings such lovely thoughts,

Wouldn't you agree?

For I am sure that there are many things in store for you and me.

We came together once as strangers,

Now we leave as friends.

And what we do with our lives,

It all depends.

We remember times of laughter,

We remember times of fun,

Sometimes we have to do things as one.

Sometimes we had fights, and did not get along.

But all we had to do,

Was hang in there and be strong.

And we will go on with life

Just like all the rest,

Doing what we do and at our very best -Tracy Kearney, 1988

Twenty years ago...

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Students visualize Seeley Lake in 21st Century

Design and Planning Studies by University of Idaho Departments of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Early in September twenty University of Idaho architect and landscape architect students visited Seeley Lake, taking an outsider's look at the community to give their ideas on how to meet some of the future needs.

They looked at four areas: 1) the south gateway area which is from the Golf Course north to the bank. 2) the north gateway area from the Elkhorn south to the community hall and including the lakefront area 3)the downtown business district and 4) the area of the Lions Park and the undeveloped land east of the Seeley Lake Motor Lodge toward the old SOS Center.

They've done the field work, returned to Moscow, Idaho to do further research and are ready to present their findings to the community. Among some of their objectives will be suggesting ways to slow highway traffic, showing how the business area can be expanded, and offering models for providing affordable housing.

People interested in future ideas for developing Seeley Lake should come to hear what the budding consultants have to offer based on the latest technology and concepts.

(Watch this space to see what they proposed!)

You can read this story and more at


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