Paving starts on Salmon Lake project

Paving the four mile section of Highway 83 on Salmon Lake started Monday, Sept. 25, after design setbacks slowed construction of the road and could set up a tight window to finish work before winter.

Paving is set to take two weeks, with weather and other factors permitting, according to public information officer Lisa Gray. She said even in the case of a snow event, the road will stay open.

"The road will remain open, and the driving surface will be asphalt," Gray said in an email when asked on the possibility of the road closing if the paving isn't completed by snowfall.

Whether or not construction crews complete laying asphalt by first snow, Montana Department of Transportation Maintenance Administrator Jon Swartz said the state will plow the road whether it is asphalt or gravel.

"This is not the only major road that might not be fully paved by first snow," Swartz said. "If there is a major snow event, we will make sure there is a plan in place to keep the road open."

Seeley Lake averages 1.9 inches of snow in the month of October, according to data from the Western Regional Climate Center. Temperatures from Sept. 29 to Oct. 5 are expected to be slightly lower than average, while precipitation will be higher than average, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The Salmon Lake reconstruction project has been in progress since May. Project goals include adding a three-four foot paved shoulder on each side of the road, flattening the roadway and curves, improved water drainage and other benefits.

Since starting construction, planners have redesigned multiple sections of the road because of irregularities in the original layout. Two designs on the project have been approved and implemented on the roadway, while a third section of the road will be modified next summer

Gray said the new designs for the third section have been submitted and are under review for implementation. That work would begin next year, as the project has extended its schedule. The new goal for finishing the project is now listed as the Fourth of July 2024.

Increased delays are expected at the site as crews lay asphalt. Gray said some sections of the project will be limited to single-lane, two way traffic, which calls for temporary light signals and possibly flaggers.

By first snow, construction managers hope to have two-way, normal traffic on the road for the winter. Woodworth Road will not be paved, according to a release.

Construction hours will stay from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Saturday. To get updates on the project, visit


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