Swan Valley Elementary approves new budget, principal hired

The Swan Valley Elementary School Board voted unanimously to approve its school budget for the 2023-2024 school year on Aug 8.

With higher taxes on the area, Business Manager Heather Mincey said school taxes will be spread across more people. The general fund stands at $435,576, compared to $402,435 last year. Most of the increase came in the technology sector, which has grown with the need for computers.

The total budget stands at $667,164.46.

Other funds, like the building reserve, have also increased with help from state grants and previously leftover funds. The transportation budget went down to $105,000, which Mincey said was to get the budget closer to the actual transportation costs.

The district recently approved a bus contract with Conley Transportation through 2028. Cost will increase 4% annually, with field trips and sporting events increasing from $1.70 per mile to $2.70 per mile.

In June, the board approved hiring Angela Mock as the new principal of the school. She started on Aug. 15.

“I’m looking forward to being there and making this a fantastic school year for everyone,” Mock wrote in a letter for the meeting. Mock had been at a two day training with other school administrators from Montana.

There will be an estimated 34 students attending the school this fall, but those numbers aren’t solidified until the second week of the school year, according to Secretary Katie Gleason.

The board also went over the final spending from last year’s budget, Mincey said. New curriculum was purchased for reading, and pre-bought propane to heat the buildings in the winter.

Upgrades are also in progress on floors in the classrooms, offices and hallways. Most of the work on the flooring has been completed. Two new toilets will also be installed in the school. The school hopes to replace some windows in the future, but bids to replace the glass were too expensive, according to Mincey.

Three classified staff members’ contracts were approved by the board, which includes Danni Parcell, Emma Smith and Tracy Woods. Three percent staff raises was also a part of the 2023-2024 budget, which was approved at a separate meeting on Aug. 15.


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