Seeley Fourth to feature flyover

The Seeley Lake Fourth of July activities will have most — if not all of the activities in previous years. This year under the Seeley Historical Society, a flyover by the Montana Air National Guard will be one of the many treats for visitors and residents alike.

“We’re thinking that everything here we have done at some point in the past, I was worried a couple months ago though,” said Tom Browder, the chair of the historical society and Fourth planner. “Nice thing about Seeley is you just go to people and they will help out.”

With the Seeley Lake Area Chamber of Commerce out as a sponsor for the annual event, the historical society led volunteers to secure a license for the parade, insurance for the firework show and securing a Missoula band to play on Lindey’s lawn.

The flyover will be done by a C-130 Hercules between 12:30 p.m. and 1 p.m. Browder said the plane will fly along Highway 83 instead of passing above the lake.

The largest concern for the Fourth comes from the construction project south of Seeley at Salmon Lake. While there will be no workers there between July 1 - 4, there will still be an automatic stoplight in the interior of the four-mile-long project.

The Montana Department of Transportation said to leave early and be patient with the delays, which often last 20-30 minutes. That time can quickly extend to 45 minutes on the peak holiday travel times.

The department will have a grading machine on standby in case the overuse of the road or rain washes out the dirt. The construction crews will get back to work on July 5. The project is running behind, according to MDT.

Work will start going 24 hours, six days a week to make up for being behind.


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