Letter from the Editor

I write to you from a frantic mood of trying to organize all the news into a cohesive linear manner while still covering new events as they happen.

Last week we had to rush our deadline on account of the printer being closed for Memorial Day. Unfortunately the people who create our puzzles weren’t able to meet that deadline so you may have noticed a lack of sudoku and crosswords. I assure you this is not a permanent loss, and we hope to avoid that from ever happening again.

I also am finding myself in a difficult position with covering Memorial Day and graduations within the same issue.

Those two topics are both very important and I want to feature the graduating students of all the local schools with equal reverence and respect so you may see some stories come out a week later so that I may afford them the same amount of space.

I apologize for this wonky schedule, but I wanted to let you know that some of the missing stories are on their way all the same.

I also would like to open the opportunity for you to submit more photos of things in the community.

I cannot be at all events at all times and unfortunately that does leave some gaps in coverage which can certainly be mended with local contribution, should you feel so inclined.

I also really need some more letters to fill in the space below this. I’m not sure if it’s a good sign, or a bad sign that I don’t receive a whole lot of emails from the readers, but please feel free to send more.

I don’t want to run anything in that section but local letters and an Earl cartoon, but I’m finding myself stuck with political commentary from way outside of our coverage and I do wish to see that change.

Thank you,

Asa Thomas Metcalfe

Oh, and another quick thing. I have been getting books from local free shelves and tiny libraries and have amassed a rather serious collection of D. H. Lawrence. So I must ask, is there some connection to Lawrence that I’m not yet aware of?


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