Girl scout cookies have arrived

Spring is here and so are the Girl Scout cookies.

The Seeley Lake Troop #3436 which is only in its second year of activity had a mildly successful year of orders this winter compared to last year, but according to troop leader, Chantel Lynch, they expect to make the most of their sales at the in-person booths over the coming weeks.

“We got more for the booths because that’s what we’re expecting more this year - people buying from the booth instead of individuals,” Lynch said.

She attributes the dip in sales to people still having some boxes leftover from last year when the troop was brand new.

This year they have 15 members, all from Seeley Lake, and across all grades. But they are also seeking more girls and more volunteers.

“We are always taking more girls, and the more volunteers I get the more girls I’m allowed to have,” Lynch said.

Anyone interested in joining or volunteering can contact Lynch or find the scouts while they’re selling more cookies at booths in Clearwater Jct this weekend and at Rovero’s and Cory’s Valley Market in Seeley Lake until the end of April. All the money made from cookie sales goes toward the troop, and helps the girls afford activities throughout the year.

“We’re going to do a big huge camping trip,” Lynch said. “The money also just helps the girls do activities throughout the year. And they also help some funding with girls that need extra help on those kinds of funding things.”

While the sales aren’t anywhere close to over this year, it seems that one cookie has a close lead over the others.

“I’m going have to say probably Thin Mints,” Lynch said. “Thin Mints are huge, that one or Caramel Delights. They’re almost tied but I think Thin Mints were a little more.”


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