Public Notices

The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) has received an aggregate take and remove permit application from LHC, Inc. The application is a request for a permit to mine, crush, and remove aggregate from State Trust Lands including a permit to have an asphalt plant on site. The area includes approximately 21 acres and is contained within the NE1/4 NE 1/4 Section 20, T15N – R14W. The pit is expected to operate intermittently based on need, providing a local aggregate resource for highway projects. The aggregate take and remove permit application has been submitted by LHC, Inc. DNRC is soliciting public input on whether to authorize the proposed aggregate permit in compliance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act. Public engagement is important and public comments are the most effective way to provide input. DNRC seeks substantive comments to inform its decision-making. A substantive comment could be one that identifies an issue, alternative, or a resource that should be examined further. DNRC does not base its decisions on a count or tally of how many comments are for or against the project or how many times a certain issue or alternative is brought up. Comments may be submitted electronically or by mail. A simultaneous application will be submitted to the Montana DEQ Opencut Mining Division. You may also provide comment at any time to the Montana DEQ Opencut division regarding this project.

For further information on this proposed project and to submit online comments to DNRC, visit the dedicated webpage at: Comments can also be submitted via mail to this address: Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Minerals Management Bureau, Attn: Zack Winfield, 1539 11th Ave, Helena, MT, 59601. The 30-day comment period pertaining to the project opens March 16, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. (MST) with comments accepted until 5:00 p.m. (MST) on April 16,2023.

Publish: March 23, 2023



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