T-Ball and baseball signups open for spring season

An unofficial baseball club has formed in the Seeley Lake region and signups are currently open for kids interested in the four age groups.

The unofficially named “Blackfoot League” is a collection of amateur baseball clubs in the scattered small towns who might not be big enough to host their own official teams, but still have plenty of love for the sport.

“Living in a rural community, you’re going to have to travel a little ways,” said Alex Chapman, assistant coach of the Seeley Lake Baseball Club. “If you want to play sports, just that’s how it works.”

The league is in its second year and is playing host to a small regional circuit of teams as far away as Drummond and Lincoln. 

The club caters to four different age groups. T-ball for ages 3-6, a coach-pitched league for kids around the third and fourth grade levels, and full-on baseball for older kids including a middle-school team.

“It’s pretty amazing that in our second year we still have enough for at least one of every team,” Chapman said. “And the registration forms aren’t even all in yet.” 

With roughly 15 kids in each group the club is looking forward to being able to compete in all age groups, but Chapman says there are more applications coming in all the time and she hopes that every kid who is interested gets to join a team.

Registration is open until April 1 and she hopes to start practices in a few weeks later with a tentative first game as early as April 23. Parents and community members are encouraged to come to games and cheer on the teams.

“They are a blast,” Chapman said. “Even a tee ball game, which is kind of like herding cats, is still just so much fun. They’re just so happy to be out there playing.”

For more information, visit the Facebook page for the Seeley Lake Baseball Club and watch for the upcoming game schedule.


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