Missoula County Commissioners seek applicants for tax appeal, Seeley Cemetery Boards

The Missoula County commissioners are accepting applications for the Tax Appeal Board and Seeley Lake Cemetery District Board. All current members are eligible for reappointment and will be given priority should they submit a letter of interest and meet the qualifications to continue serving. New applicants are encouraged to apply.

Applications are available online. The application deadline is 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 8.

Positions are open to new applicants on the following boards:

Tax Appeal Board: Seeking applicants to fill a three-year term that runs April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2026. The current member has submitted a letter of interest seeking reappointment. The board is comprised of five members and meets to hear taxpayers' appeals from property tax assessments and attend meetings called by the state tax appeal board. The county tax appeal board is in session from July 1 until Dec. 31 of the current tax year to hear protests concerning assessments the state Department of Revenue makes. The board meets until all protests have been considered and, as provided in MCA 15-2-201, may meet after Dec. 31.

Protests are often heard during business hours and require board member participation and dedication during that time. In-person hearings are held in the upstairs conference room of the Montana Department of Revenue building at 2681 Palmer St. in Missoula. Applicants must be Missoula County residents.

For more information, contact Administrative Assistant Kyla Lehnerz at klehnerz@missoulacounty.us. All board vacancies are listed online.

Seeley Lake Cemetery District Board: Seeking applicants to fill a three-year term that runs May 1, 2023, through April 30, 2026. The current member has submitted a letter of interest seeking reappointment. In addition, there is one vacant seat open until filled for a term that runs through April 30, 2024.

The board governs and manages the Seeley Lake Cemetery District.

Meetings are held at noon on the second Thursday of each month at Faith Chapel, 3260 Highway 83 N.


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