Planting seeds of friendship and kindness

SEELEY LAKE - Attendees at the Missoula Children's Theatre production of "Johnny Appleseed" Jan. 13 experienced the fruitful career of Johnny Appleseed as performed by Seeley Lake Elementary kindergarten through eighth grade students.

MCT Tour Directors Joshua Bennett and Christian Watts worked with a cast and crew of more than 30 students. After auditioning Monday and practicing after school all week, Friday evening friends and family watched as Johnny Appleseed sang and danced his way across the west spreading apple seeds, kindness and making friends wherever he went.

Johnny Appleseed (played by Addison Ott and Elliott Morgenstern) was not always called by his famous name. In fact, as the story goes, the young Johnny Chapman was given the nickname "Appleseed" after sharing seedlings for free and planting apple trees everywhere he went. While at first he did not appreciate the nickname, it grew on him as his fame spread.

At the core of his adventures, Appleseed shared kindness and tried to help his friends get a long. That was not always easy. However he firmly believed, "All you need is an apple for fun. They are shiny and red, juicy and sweet."

Year after year the apple trees grew. Appleseed made many friends along the way and encouraged them all to work together as well.


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