20/35 Look Back


Artist Begins Series About Sled Dogs

By Suzanne Vernon

C.S. Poppcnga -better known to Seeley Lake residents as Carol Bourne unveiled her first painting in a planned series of artwork which will depict sled dogs and the sport of sled dog racing in Seeley Lake.

Snowmobile Trail Closed for OSCR, February 4-6

Attention snowmobilers: The Morrell/Rice Ridge Loop Trail (Route 3 on the Seeley Lake snowmobile map), about 30 miles, will be closed by the Forest Service Thursday, February 4, at 4 p.m. through Saturday, February 6, for the OSCR Cross-Country Ski Marathon. This closure affects the east side of Highway 83 on a popular trail between Seeley Lake and Holland Lake.

Mount Ovando 4-H News 

By DeAnna Dreyer 

The 4th meeting of the Mount Ovando 4-H Club was called to order by President Bryan O'Conner at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, January 6 at the Ovando Church Building. We answered the roll call with a money making idea.  It was decided to have a slave auction and to raffle a gift.  

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Seeley Lake Sled Dog Race Still Running Saturday

By Gary Noland 

For lack of snow, the annual OSCR cross country ski races have been canceled, the snowcross snowmobile races have been moved back to February, but guess what-the dogs will be running, Norman Lee, race director, has found enough snow on the west side of Highway 83 to put together a 50-mile loop for the 17th Annual Seeley Lake Dog Sled race this weekend.

Night Time Parade Kicks Off Winterfest

By Cheri Thompson 

For the first-time Winterfest nighttime parade, it was definitely a success. With 35 participants including: the lead torch bearing tractor from the Filling Station, Luke Beaudry with her illuminated kick sled, the boys, Dragon, the girls, Caterpillar, 2 go carts, 2 Clearwater towing trucks, Glen's Automotive with his race car, the ingenious snowmobile with wheels, and the one that has set the bar for float illumination, Wold's Valley Market. 

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