Who is in charge at the county?

From Kim Chambers, Commissioner Candidate

What is going on in the Missoula County Commissioners Office? At a recent candidate forum, incumbent Commissioner Dave Strohmaier said the Commissioners are not at the top of the organizational chart within Missoula County government.

However, the Commissioners portion of the Missoula County website says different.

In part the website says, "The Board of County Commissioners has the jurisdiction and power to represent the County and has care of the County property and the management of the business and concerns of the County and to perform all other acts and functions which may be necessary to the full discharge of the duties of the chief executive authority of the county government." This job description is exactly why I, Kim Chambers, am running for Missoula County Commissioner.

As a leader, one must create a culture of trust. Trust that the citizens' hard-earned money is spent in property taxes goes to improving their lives, roads, and infrastructure. We have lost our trust in how our money is being used.

Missoula County has the highest property taxes in Montana!

We need to budget our county as a business. We need to work to maintain our roads, infrastructure, schools, and our communities through a fiscally conservative budget based on our county's current income from the taxation burden that has been placed on its citizens.

A business or household would not survive by making a budget outside of its means, why is the current board of commission not held to these same standards?

The Commissioners recently approved a budget for fiscal year 2023 that will increase county expenditures by 20% ($35Million) and increase property taxes by 10%. This increase, combined with the city's increase of 11%, will tax retirees out of their homes or forced to withdraw from their retirement fund.

This will also affect renters by causing landlords to raise rents to cover the increase in their taxes. At least 15% of first-time home buyers will be eliminated due to not qualifying for a home mortgage.

As a leader, a county commissioner must act and represent the people within the jurisdiction and laws of the County. We, as citizens, will be paying for the illegal way our elected commissioners gave themselves raises, causing a lawsuit with the deputies of Missoula County. That lawsuit not only resulted in a $4,000,000.00 settlement, plus attorney fees, time, interest, and penalties. Currently, the County is being brought into another lawsuit based upon the same reason but involving the Detention Center.

This is estimated to be settled at $6,000,000.00! Because of the actions of the County Commissioners, we as taxpayers are responsible to pay these settlements through our property taxes in the years to come.

A county leader must represent the diversity of thought among their citizens. For way to long we have followed a path away from free enterprise, fiscal responsibility, and neighbor to neighbor partnerships. We need to change our thought process away from consistent increased taxation, bonds, and levies to one of responsible budgeting, fundraising, and community gifting.

For example, if we, as a community, want a new 4H barn at our fairgrounds or another ice rink, let's change our thought from using taxation to using free enterprise.

All involved, either through participation in fundraisers, clean-up events, and large donations will gain a feeling of self-pride and personal buy-in to the growth of our county's assets without the financial hardship placed on our citizens during a time of inflation and recession. The University of Montana is a perfect example of this with the donations that have been given for scholarships, buildings, and events.

Our County is growing and with that we will be facing more challenges. Our county commission should not be one of party line but should be one that prioritizes running the county through servant leadership for its citizens. I promise to be a good steward of Missoula County and represent the people.

I promise to care for the property and the management of the business and concerns of the County and will perform all other acts and functions which are necessary to the duties. I am running for Missoula County Commissioner because I feel that our current commission needs a different voice and perspective at the table, and I humbly ask for your vote.


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