Theological debate? A response to Mountain Lakes Leadership

Letter to the Editor

I am writing in response to the Mountain Lakes Presbyterian Church Leaderships’ letter to the editor from the June 23 issue of the Pathfinder which purports to be a theological response to Pastor Jim Johnson’s “Biblical perspective.” The leadership claims it “dutifully” albeit “reluctantly” was stepping into the Biblical debate. It appears to this reader, however, that the leadership actually jumped at the opportunity to attack Pastor Johnson’s Biblical position without citing any Biblical precedent in support of their position. Rather, the Leaderships’ letter follows the game plan adopted by many of society’s fringe groups who attempt to silence those who disagree, i.e. ignore the substance of the argument and attack.

Pastor Johnson’s reasoned argument was at one point labeled “nonsense” and at another attributed to a “hardened” heart through a “weaponized” reading of the scriptures. The Leadership, however, utterly failed to quote scripture and provide an explanation in support of its own position.

The Leaderships’ attack ends with an invitation to “discuss” the issue over the breaking of bread. Of course, the invitation comes with a caveat: An “invitee” may not quote Bible verses in support of his or her position because the Leadership considers quoting the Bible to be an assault!

So much for a “theological debate” with the Mountain Lakes Presbyterian Church Leadership.


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