Letter to the Editor
When discussing the topic of the sins of others we need to take a very humble stance. None of us are without sin and we all require the mercy of the sacrifice for sin that Jesus became.
Fortunately, God inspired many scriptures to describe what sin is. So, we are without excuse. We’re all in the same boat, dependent totally on His salvation through the Christ event. We most certainly have, will or do find ourselves somewhere in the following “short list” of sin.
“Sexual immorality, impurity, indecent behavior, idolatry, witchcraft, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing… those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God,” (Galatians 5:19-21).
In light of the recent discussion in the Pathfinder, sexual immorality, along with the others on the list, is clearly defined in many scriptures.
It’s the continuous “practice” of sinful lifestyle that bars us from the promised inheritance of eternal life. Even as we mature and grow, we occasionally slip in and out here and there. But God is a God of mercy. However, He does require us to seek that mercy and to “repent” (turn away) from sin whenever it is revealed to us.
If I am practicing a sinful lifestyle, I don’t want to be told that I’m exactly how God created me, because I’m not. He did not create us to live contrary to His “very good” creation. Telling entire groups of people living a lifestyle that does not agree with clear descriptions in the Bible that they were created that way, is not love.
As said above, there are clear scriptures that warn us not to live certain ways if we want to “inherit the kingdom”. We simply shouldn’t ignore scriptures that give us the clearest answers on the subject. Romans 1:24-27 cannot be made to say anything different from what they clearly say. We can either accept all the Holy Scriptures or simply decide we do not believe their validity.
The same with Galatians 5:19 quoted above.
I’m not okay to “practice” a lifestyle that includes drunkenness, uncontrollable or dangerous anger, selfishness or sexual immorality. We need to let God’s word define sin.
Our Creator put in place and clearly described ways of living that are blessings to us. He described just the opposite, too. We can find both of those in Galatians 5 alone, along with thousands of scriptures that teach us how to live within His will. He wants to bless us, but like a good Father He tells us what is right and wrong. He is merciful to forgive.
When we realize we are living opposite of His will, we should seek His mercy and power to correct it. And as brothers in Christ, we should care for people enough to help them to see the clear truth that we see in the Bible with loving gentleness. If someone does the opposite, I cannot support that.
I answer to God, not people.
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