Swan Valley School Board
SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Valley School Board voted for raises and bonuses for its staff at their June 13 board meeting.
The Board considered three options for the certified and classified staff salary schedules including no change (which has a 1.5% raise already built in), 4% raise and 5.5% raise to the base pay.
The Board opted for giving the 4% raise in the base pay for all staff citing the desire to leave a little room in the budget for other things that might come up.
Year-end staff bonuses were then discussed.
Business Manager/District Clerk Heather Mincey explained that through being fiscally responsible and the extra ESSER funding, their general fund had enough money left to offer the staff up to $1,000 bonus. She said that up to 10% of the budget could be carried forward in a reserve but they were already maxed out.
The Board approved a $1,000 one-time year-end bonus for all staff.
In other business the Board, approved next year’s bus routes, hired Katie Gleason (secretary) and Aaron Morgenstern (supervising teacher) for next year and approved a contract with Seeley Lake Elementary to provide special education services, counseling and business manager/district clerk services for next year.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 14 at 7 p.m.
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