OVANDO - Ovando School celebrated eighth grade graduates Abby and Kyle deRonnebeck on Wednesday, May 18. The siblings will be attending Seeley-Swan High School in the fall.
"My favorite class is math," said Abby."I look forward to high school and making more friends. I loved Ovando School and the teachers and the friends here."
"My favorite class is science," said Kyle. "I liked the teachers and kids at Ovando School, and I want to make more friends in high school."
Their class quote that represents their thoughts on their time at Ovando School is, "Let the light guide your way, hold every memory as you go." This is a lyric from the song "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa.
Classmates Sawyer Hessler and Land Neudecker read memories from all the students and teachers.
"I will always remember how Abby is helpful, makes me laugh and is good at soccer," was a memory shared from Abby Applegate.
"I remember how Abby can take things to heart and be lighthearted all at the same time," was a memory shared from Andrea Tougas, the supervising and K-3 grade teacher.
"I remember in first grade Kyle was really nice to me but I was scared because he was so tall," was shared from Matilda Hessler.
"I remember Kyle's optimism and humor. No matter what's going on, Kyle always has a smile on his face," was shared from Mr. Graves, the fourth - eighth grade teacher.
Their father Tony deRonnebeck shared a prophecy. He encouraged them to take their time in life and slow down when the world says to hurry.
"You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish while you're having fun," Tony said.
"But I won›t say that high school is the best years of your life. There will be experiences both good and some that you›d like to forget," shared Leigh Ann Valiton, former Ovando Head Teacher in the commencement speech."But that›s all part of your education. And even when it›s hard to remember that, please try."
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