Fourth of July planning begins

SEELEY LAKE – The Seeley Lake Fourth of July committee had their first meeting last week to begin the planning for this year’s celebration. Thanks to the Seeley Lake Area Chamber of Commerce’s support, they are looking forward to hosting the annual parade and fireworks on Monday, July 4. The committee is looking for volunteers and anyone interested in getting trained as a pyrotechnician to help put on the community fireworks display.

Training to become a pyrotechinician with Big Sky Fireworks is free. The individual must pass a background check and attend a training session either June 4 or June 25 in Helena. For more information contact the Chamber at

While there are carryover funds raised last year, fundraising cans will be out at local businesses within the next couple of weeks. Individuals and businesses are also invited to donate to the fireworks show. Checks can be made out to the Seeley Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and mailed to PO Box 516, Seeley Lake, MT 59868 or dropped off in the Pathfinder drop box outside their office in the Bison and Bear Center, Highway 83. Individuals and businesses who donate to the fireworks by July 3 will be recognized in the July 7 issue of the Pathfinder.

Anyone interested in joining the planning committee or volunteering for the events are encouraged to email Ideas for this year’s celebration are also welcome and encouraged. Please email or call 406-677-2022 and leave a message.


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