Avian Influenza hits Montana

MONTANA – On Friday, April 8, the Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) announced the confirmation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in two Montana flocks. These are the first cases of HPAI reported in domestic poultry in Montana since 2015. Montana is the 25th state to report cases of HPAI in domestic poultry in 2022.

Montana poultry producers and hobby farmers are encouraged to be extra cautious to keep their flocks healthy. Potomac Valley 4H Club announced Monday that all poultry shows are canceled through June 7. Should more cases appear, that date could be extended and exclude birds from the Western Montana Country Fair this August.

Avian influenza (AI) is an infectious viral disease of birds that can cause high mortality rates in domestic flocks. Migratory waterfowl are the primary source for AI. Wild birds can be infected and appear healthy but shed virus in the feces, saliva and respiratory secretions. Domestic poultry become infected through direct contact with infected wild birds, or through contact with contaminated objects, equipment or the environment.

"Because of the high mortality rate and highly contagious nature of the virus, we are asking Montana's poultry producers to take action to keep their flocks healthy," said Dr. Tahnee Szymanski, Assistant State Veterinarian, in a press release.

One of the infected flocks in Montana is a backyard flock in Judith Basin County. The other is a small layer and meat-bird operation in Cascade County. The flocks were reported to MDOL following increased rates of mortality and were confirmed to have the HPAI H5 strain associated with the outbreak occurring in other parts of the country.

The presence of avian influenza in a country or region can have significant impacts on the trade of poultry products. The affected flocks were placed under quarantine and are required to be depopulated to prevent further spread of the disease. Flock owners are eligible to receive indemnity on their birds from the United States Department of Agriculture.

MDOL is conducting an epidemiological investigation and will be identifying other poultry producers in the area to conduct disease surveillance and to provide educational resources.

As a result of this detection and the scope of the national outbreak, MDOL issued an Official Order that prohibits all poultry shows, exhibitions, swaps and public sales for the next 60 days to reduce the risk of exposure to HPAI. Exhibitions are an increased risk of HPAI because animals from multiple sources are concentrated in one area during the event. Depending on disease status in 60 days, this order may be modified or extended. The order does not apply to private, catalog or retail sale of poultry.

Poultry producers should implement biosecurity measures including:

• Prevent contact between wild or migratory birds and domestic poultry, including access by wild birds to feed and water sources.

• House birds indoors to the extent possible to limit exposure to wild or migratory birds.

• Limit visitor access to areas where birds are housed.

• Use dedicated clothing and protective footwear when caring for domestic poultry.

• Immediately isolate sick animals and contact your veterinarian or MDOL.

"Exposure to wild birds presents the greatest risk to domestic poultry," says Dr. Marty Zaluski, State Veterinarian. "Fortunately, reducing this risk can be accomplished with simple changes to biosecurity with minimal financial investment."

Sick birds can exhibit numerous signs such as swollen eyes, discolored comb and legs, significant drop in egg production or water and feed consumption, or sudden death. MDOL encourages all poultry producers to immediately report sudden onset of illness or high death loss in domestic poultry to their veterinarian or the department at 406-444-2976. For sick or dead wild birds that have died from unknown causes, please contact the local FWP warden, biologist or regional office or call the FWP wildlife veterinarian 406-577-7880.

MDOL emphasizes that existing safeguards to keep food safe and wholesome are sufficient to protect people.

"There is no increased risk to consumption of poultry or poultry products," Zaluski added in the press release. "Normal food handling and preparation practices that keep food safe are important every day."

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) considers the risk to people from these HPAI infections in wild birds, backyard flocks and commercial poultry, to be low. No human infections with the virus have been detected at this time.

However, it is recommended that people follow proper sanitary precautions when handling birds. Wear latex or rubber gloves when cleaning birds, washing hands with soapy water after cleaning, clean and disinfect equipment and surfaces that came in contact with the bird and cook thoroughly before eating the meat. As a reminder, the US Department of Agriculture recommends cooking poultry to 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

For more information on the Montana Department of Livestock, visit liv.mt.gov.

For more information on national cases of HPAI, please visit the USDA website at: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/2022-hpai


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