The Dusty Bandita offers new racing challenge

SEELEY LAKE – "The Bandita in us is pushing limits and breaking through our inner boundaries. Together, alongside our fellow Banditas - we are one," reads The Dusty Bandita website. "Head down, eyes up, with a smirk of determination. It's time to break through, shine and be free."

A new race will take to the gravel roads around Seeley Lake May 21. The Dusty Bandita is an event dedicated to increasing the presence of all identifying women at cycling events by providing a safe and encouraging environment where one can build confidence, push limits, explore beautiful places and experience an invigorating camaraderie on and off the bike.

Race Director Bri Lui said the idea for the Dusty Bandita was a couple years in the making. A cyclist who enjoys entering races for the personal challenge, Lui was intimidated to enter races in the male-dominated sport. She also watched the popularity of gravel biking grow over the past several years.

"I feel like the spirit of gravel biking is less intimidating and a little more adventurous," Lui said.

Lui reached out to other prominent women cyclists that she knew in the Missoula-area cycling community to see if they wanted to help her put on a women's gravel bike race. Five women joined her committee and they came up with the name "The Dusty Bandita."

According to the website, "Dusty" was an obvious descriptor to the group when it comes to gravel riding.

"Bandita," however, is not an English word and has no true definition. The six creators leaned on their diverse backgrounds and chose a name that would represent the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community of which they are a part.

"To us, Bandita is multifold. A Bandita is someone who is confident, both inside and out; someone who is willing to pursue their dreams and passions with grit and perseverance," reads the website. "In addition, a Bandita is someone who bands together with others who have similar intentions. Bandita's respect and empower one another to rise up, push their own boundaries and expand their confidence within themselves in new ways!" 

Lui has ridden in the Seeley Lake area. She felt it was a great location for the inaugural race since there are a lot of gravel roads and it is beautiful.

The Dusty Bandita includes a 45-mile and 80-mile course, both of which start and end at Camp Paxson. The 45-mile course will follow the Fawn Peak-Jocko Road and return via the Placid Lake Road for around 2,500 feet of climb. The 80-mile course will double the route adding the road over Rice Ridge for 5,000 feet of climb.

Lui said they are working closely with the Seeley Lake Ranger District to ensure the roads are fit to ride. Racers will also be crossing Highway 83 two times so she asks motorists to be aware of cyclists that Saturday.

Winners of both races will be recognized in a podium ceremony. Prizes will include various products and other swag. All levels are encouraged to participate.

Lui hopes that The Dusty Bandita will challenge riders in a supportive environment and extend that camaraderie into other races in the area and across the country. She also hopes they tell their friends and encourage them to participate next year.

"I hope it will offer a fun, encouraging, challenging experience," Lui said. "And keep women coming back for more."

Lui is grateful to all their sponsors especially their platinum sponsors Northern Rockies Orthopedics, Zillastate and Great Northern Cycle and Ski. All proceeds will benefit the MT Alpha Cycling, a women's cycling team of motivated girls and women who are focused on cultivating bike skills and confidence while increasing the presence of women at competitive events. Lui said their mission aligns well with The Dusty Bandita so they want to support them.

The Dusty Bandita is nearly three-quarters full. For more information and to register visit


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