Vaccination debate to continue

Editor's Note

In reference to the pandemic, few things have sparked such emotional debate as masks and vaccinations.

Our Letters to the Editor policy has not allowed national topics that have no possible local resolution to keep the Pathfinder’s content hyper-local. However, after much consideration, we are going to allow this vaccination debate to continue in the letters to the editor. While it is a national issue, we recognize that it affects each one of us locally when choosing whether or not to vaccinate ourselves and/or our children.

The decision comes with a lot of social pressure from both sides and in some cases others are facing mandates. For instance, our health care workers at the Seeley-Swan Medical Clinic and in Missoula are also being asked to prove their vaccination status or their job may be in jeopardy (see the article on page 3).

We anticipate this discussion to continue for the foreseeable future with the next boosters already being discussed. We encourage our readers to write in.

To help maintain an open forum and keep it as fair as possible here is a reminder of some of our Letters to the Editor policies:

• Letter writers are limited to one a month unless writing a direct response to another letter. A direct response can bring in new information but should not bring in new topics.

• Letters must be 500 words or less.

• Letters from the Pathfinder’s readership will be given priority in print.

• It is okay to disagree with people’s ideas and opinions but personal attacks will not be allowed.

• Letters must include full name, city and state for print and a phone number for verification purposes only.

We remind readers that letters to the editor are opinion and are not fact-checked. As a reader we encourage you to do your research and form your own conclusions. If it is significantly different that what is presented, feel free to write in and share your thoughts.

It is our hope this discussion through the letters to the editor will be helpful and present information on both sides for us all to consider.


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