Can experimental COVID gene vaccine alter the human genome?

Letter to the Editor

For 200 years every vaccine that has ever been given to humans has contained the virus, bacteria or protein (THE ANTIGEN) against which the immune system responds by the production of antibodies. It is time-tested technology.

The COVID vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) are the first exceptions to the use of this standard antigen vaccine process. The COVID vaccines do not contain antigen. The COVID vaccines contain a man-made GENE (RNA). They are “gene therapy”.

The injected RNA hijacks the human cells’ protein manufacturing system which produces the spike protein. The spike is the ANTIGEN and now the immune system makes anti-spike antibodies. So far, so good. But beyond the production of anti-spike antibodies now come many unexpected results that raise questions about the safety of the vaccines.

The long-term safety question is particularly disturbing because, after all, we are not injecting people with ANTIGEN but a GENE, and genes can do many unpredictable things.

One question has always been, “Can the administration of a viral gene modify or alter the human’s genome”; scramble the human’s very ordered DNA molecule collection residing in the chromosomes? From the very beginning, the pro-vaccine groups, have insisted that this could not happen. Impossible!

This is incorrect.

The 1975 Nobel Prize was awarded to scientists who demonstrated that viral RNA could alter the human genome by a two-step process that first changed the viral RNA into a form of DNA called cDNA by a process called reverse transcription or RT. The viral cDNA gene was then inserted or “integrated” (IN) into the collection of human DNA molecules in the chromosome. Since that 1970s discovery, another reverse transcription (RT) system has been discovered called “Line 1 RT”. If these two steps, RT and IN, were to happen to the mega doses of COVID vaccine RNA, then, by definition, the human genome has been altered.

That DNA alteration could be catastrophic. RT and IN with other viruses are known to cause cancers in rodents, lymphoma in humans, the immunosuppression in AIDS and possibly be responsible for other diseases like Multiple Sclerosis. An RT/IN alteration in a sperm or egg cell could be passed to future generations.

Experimental Results: In May 2021, evidence was presented that this two-step process (RT and IN) with natural COVID RNA had occurred 1) in cultured human cells in Petri dishes, and 2) in some of the cells in people who had been infected with the virus. The COVID virus RNA had been changed into cDNA and that cDNA had been integrated into some of the upper airway cells.

Three weeks ago, a Swedish group demonstrated that Pfizer’s vaccine RNA is reverse transcribed into cDNA in cultured human liver cells by “Line 1 RT” in Petri dishes. Thus, the vaccine’s RNA was halfway down the path to human genome alteration. What remains to be shown is whether the cDNA is integrated into the liver cells’ genome.

If that integration happens, then all bets are off and may God help us.

John Farrar, PhD

Ovando, Montana


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