Outdoor burning opened March 1

MISSOULA - Spring is coming, Missoula County--and that means the opening of outdoor burning season!

The General and Essential Agriculture and Prescribed Wildland Outdoor Burning Seasons opened March 1 in Missoula County. All outdoor burning requires a burn permit and the only material that may be disposed of by burning is untreated wood and vegetation generated onsite. Permits cost $7 and can be purchased or renewed online at https://app.egovmt.com/burnpermit/or in person at the Seeley Lake Fire Department, 200 Firehouse Lane.

The leading cause of human-started wildfires in Missoula County last year was debris burning and early spring burning can be especially dangerous. Nearly 10% of all 2021 wildfires in Missoula County occurred from March 1 - March 31 and were all due to debris burning. Burning while vegetation is dry and dead, but still early enough in the season that “green-up” (new growth of grasses and forbs) has not occurred to slow fire spread, can quickly lead to an escaped burn, especially if winds are added to the mix.

If planning to burn this spring, please be aware of the conditions of not only the burn pile, but also the vegetation in the surrounding area and predicted weather. After activating your permit, have an adequate supply of personnel, water and equipment to control your burn. Do not leave it unattended until it is cold-to-the-touch OUT!

To learn more about outdoor burning seasons, permits and safe burning tips, visit missoulacounty.us/airquality or MCFPA.org. Visiting https://mcfpa.org/mission_possible.htm or following the Missoula County Fire Protection Association (MCFPA) Facebook page will also provide information and tips through March’s Mission Possible theme of “Learn Before You Burn!” MCFPA’s Mission Possible is a fire readiness program with monthly themes and missions to help Missoula County residents become more fire safe and wildfire prepared.


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