Lifelong Connections expands in Seeley-Swan

SEELEY LAKE - Missoula Aging Services (MAS) received $6,700 from the Seeley Lake Community Foundation (SLCF) to help expand their Lifelong Connections program into the Seeley-Swan Valley. This program provides Samsung tablets, an unlimited data plan and one-on-one training to learn how to use the technology.

In 2020, MAS developed the Lifelong Connections program in response to the pandemic. Lifelong Connections purchases wi-fi enabled tablets, the data plan and trains volunteers. Program participants can meet with a local volunteer and learn the basics of using email, Facetime, Zoom and other applications to improve health outcomes, connect seniors with their providers via telehealth, address social determinants of health and reduce loneliness.

Over 80 residents in Missoula and Ravalli Counties have already benefited from this program. MAS Ombudsman Program Specialist Madison Moldenhauer said they have 25 more tablets available and a local volunteer in Seeley Lake ready to help area residents. So far there have only been two residents in the Seeley-Swan that have utilized the program.

"MAS is focusing more attention on rural areas, with an emphasis in the Seeley Swan valley," wrote MAS Communications Coordinator Jennifer Schultz in an email. "Receiving these funds from the Seeley Lake Community Foundation is critical for the successful expansion of the Lifelong Connections program."

Schultz said MAS does not receive any Federal or State funds for Lifelong Connections. To date, the program has been funded through grants from several foundations, donations from individuals and MAS reserve funds.

Late in 2021, the SLCF was asked to help distribute funds in partnership with Montana Community Foundation for COVID-19 recovery efforts. This opportunity was made possible through the Montana Community Foundation's (MCF) Montana Disaster Relief Fund specifically for projects benefiting vulnerable rural populations in Missoula County.

"This is a good opportunity to help address the lack of access to technology for older adults in our community, as well as help seniors connect to those they love and feel less isolated after the challenging last two years," said Claire Muller, SLCF Executive Director. "Our board thought this project fit the criteria for the funding well, was easily scalable and would make a big impact for rural Missoula County residents. Over the years, MAS has done some amazing work helping people here in the Seeley Swan Valley age with grace and we're happy to help support that."

"For many years MAS has been focused on meeting the needs of older adults in the Seeley Swan Valley and this expansion is one more opportunity to continue our long history of supporting the community," Schultz wrote. "MAS is excited to expand this program to reach more older adults.

Older adults who are interested in the program are encouraged to call 406-728-7682 to speak with MAS Call Center Specialists who will connect them with the program. They will receive a Samsung tablet, a two-year unlimited data plan and training from a dedicated trainer in Seeley Lake.

"The Seeley Lake Community Foundation strives to be a community resource and a catalyst for innovative approaches to improving the quality of life here. We're proud to partner with a variety of local and regional groups to make great things happen for Seeley Lake," Muller said. "We are excited to partner with the MCF on this opportunity so we can help bring funding into this community to benefit residents of the greater Seeley Lake area."

For more information or to support the Lifelong Connections program through volunteer opportunities or donations visit or call 406-728-7682.


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