20/35 Year Look Back

In celebration of 35 years of the Seeley Swan Pathfinder, each week we will run parts of articles that appeared in the issue 35 years ago and 20 years ago. The entire issue will be uploaded to our website seeleylake.com for you to enjoy. We hope you will enjoy the journey with us as we follow our community through the past 35 years as documented by the Pathfinder.

35 years ago: Jan. 15, 1987 issue

Firehouse has two new rooms

Early last fall, volunteers in the Seeley Lake community added a new meeting room and a cold-storage area onto the existing firehouse behind Barney's in Seeley Lake.

The Seeley Lake Fire District appropriated about $1,000 for the construction project. The rest of the required materials were donated by Timberline Building Materials, Pyramid Mountain Lumber, Inc. and local volunteer firefighters. Clawson Manufacturing, Missoula and TimmLine, Kalispell provided windows and roofing materials at substantial discounts.

To read the full article and more articles from the Jan. 8, 1987 issue visit https://www.seeleylake.com/home/customer_files/article_documents/1987-01-15.pdf

35 years ago: Jan. 15, 1987 issue

Governor quotes Seeley Laker in State-of-the-State address

"I'm tired of hearing about our sagging economy...if we all work together we can overcome any problems our state has." – Elinor Williamson, Seeley Lake

Those were the words heard by thousands of Montanas via television last Friday morning when Governor Schwinden quoted Williamson in his State-of-the-State address.

Williamson, a Seeley Lake resident and member of the Wilderness Sportsman's Club, wrote to Governor Schwinden last fall asking for his support of the Seeley Lake 200 Sled Dog Race, sponsored by the Club.

"I don't want to hear about the bad economy...," Williamson said on Monday. "I wanted the Governor to know about the positive things happening in Seeley Lake ..."

To read the rest of this article visit https://www.seeleylake.com/home/customer_files/article_documents/1987-01-15.pdf

35 years ago: Jan. 15, 1987 issue

Negotiations for new shooting range near Seeley Lake

The Wilderness Sportsman's Club is now in the process of negotiation to lease a parcel of State land along the Cottonwood Lakes Road for the purpose of establishing a shooting range.

Recent discussions have centered around leasing a 30-acre area in the NE ¼ section 36, Township 17 North, Range 15 West, which lies north of the Cottonwood Lakes Road about two miles from Seeley Lake.

The recreation lease would enable the Club to construct proposed facilities including two "trap" ranges, a big-bore rifle range (100-200 yards), covered firing lines, a picnic area and a clubhouse.

To read of this article and more from the Jan. 15, 1987 issue visit https://www.seeleylake.com/home/customer_files/article_documents/1987-01-15.pdf

20 years ago: Jan. 17, 2002 issue

Camping out in every month - Scouts news

The Boy Scouts have been making progress on their goal of camping out in every month over a year. On November 30th and December 1st last year the scouts camped at Big Larch Campground on the north end of town. During that weekend, they worked on knot tying, tripod lashing and competitive fire building. These are skills they will need January 25-27, 2002 when the troop hosts the Seeley Lake Invitational winter campout. The campout will be held at Big Larch Campground. So far 203 scouts are registered for this event. More on this will be reported next week.

Last month the boys went on their yearly ski trip. They stayed at the Holiday Inn in Whitefish. The next day they hit the slopes of Big Mountain. The mountain known for its fogged in conditions presented the boys with a beautiful clear blue and sunny Montana sky.

Last month the boys also did what scouts are known for and that is service.

To read the full article and more from the Jan. 17, 2002 issue visit https://www.seeleylake.com/home/customer_files/article_documents/2002-01-17.pdf


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