Seeley Lake Stockings fill community with joy

SEELEY LAKE – The room erupted with excitement when Santa walked through the door at the Seeley Lake Community Hall, Dec. 18. The third annual Seeley Lake Stocking event was a huge success where more than 65 children and a few adults had their photo taken with Santa, received a stocking full of goodies, chose a toy or stuffed animal, and entered to win sleds or bicycles. Thanks to organizer Sheila Czifro and support from the community and local businesses, everything was free.

Seeley Lake Stockings was first hosted at the Tamaracks Resort in 2019. In 2020, Czifro moved the event to the Community Hall to allow for social distancing. She returned to the Hall again this year because she liked the space and it allowed her to have tables for a Make-and-Take craft event.

"When I was little, my mom used to take us to a thing where we saw Santa and he gave us a stocking full of stuff. I still to this day remember that," Czifro said. "I want to give kids something like that to remember. I hope that one day they look back and this is something that they remember coming to and having fun at."

In addition to creating a fun event for the community, Czifro also sees so much need this time of year.

"It does not matter, you can do the best job in the world trying to save up for events, for birthdays and Christmas or many unexpected things come up living [in the rural]."

She said there is always a child that asks for something like soap. Since she sees this as more of a need, than something they should want for Christmas, there were tables of free soaps, toiletries and other necessities for children and families to take.

"They should want a fun toy," Czifro said. "I want to be able to give them a little more so they don't have to worry and just have something fun."

The hugs and thank you were generous as families sought out Czifro and her elves, Lynette Holzer, Alyssa Teafoe, Shiann Chadwick and Patrick Czifro, to share their appreciation for all their effort. Children left the event with a full stocking, Christmas decorations they made, a new toy and a smile that was priceless.

Bonnie Snow and Logan Binder won the two sleds and Brooklyn and Rilee Blackburn won the two bicycles. Benjamin Nelson won the singing bear.

"A huge thank you to the community for all their help making sure this year's event such as success. The community stepped forward big time and helped out with donation money and toys so we could make sure everyone has something," Czifro said. "We are looking forward to an even bigger event next year."

The Santa photos will be posted on the event page @seeleylakestockings2021.


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