COVID and Medical Center updates discussed

Seeley-Swan Hospital District

SEELEY LAKE – The Seeley-Swan Hospital District Board received several updates regarding COVID testing and vaccination opportunities as well as updates regarding the Seeley-Swan Medical Center at their meeting Dec. 14.

Wednesday, Dec. 8 the Missoula City-County Health Department held a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Seeley Lake Community Foundation building. Seeley-Swan Medical Center Satellite Manager Georgiann McCoy said it was “overwhelmingly attended.” She understood that some waited for more than two hours and people were turned away.

“I think now that they know people up here are pretty serious about getting some of these vaccinations and boosters,” McCoy said. “Hopefully they will come back again.”

Trustee Walt Hill added that he appreciated the Missoula City-County Health Department coming, however, they could have been more organized. He recommended that they have people make appointments in the future to ensure everyone is served in a timely manner.

McCoy also shared with the board that the Health Department is in the process of combining COVID testing and vaccinations into one location at 3665 West Broadway, Missoula. Phase 1 will be completed by Dec. 20 and they will offer both rapid and PCR COVID tests. By Dec. 27 they will complete Phase 2 and will offer COVID vaccines.

For the Seeley-Swan Medical Center, McCoy reported they have filled their open registered nurse and receptionist positions. The the residency program is going well and patients are enjoying the residents. The Clinic has administered 220 flu vaccinations and more are available. They also still have trigger locks for guns available at no cost for those that want them.

There are two trustee positions, a three year and a one year position, up for election in May. Walt Hill currently holds the three-year term and Suzanne Philippus-Palm holds the one-year position. Anyone interested in an Oath of Candidacy can contact Chair Twyla Johnson, P.O. Box 1186, Seeley Lake, MT  59868, Clerk Marty Kux at 406-754-2529 or find it online at The deadline for submitting the Oath of Candidacy form to the Missoula County Elections Office is Feb. 7 at 5 p.m. 

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 11 at 5 p.m. by teleconference unless otherwise noticed.


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