Professional and ethical wildlife management undermined

As former members of the Montana Fish & Wildlife Commission, we generally refrain from criticizing decisions made by our successors. However, the current Commission’s recent actions regarding the new wolf trapping and hunting regulations are so egregious that we must speak out.

The anti-wolf legislation passed during the 2021 Montana legislative session and signed by the Governor, put Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) and the Commission in a difficult position—they had to develop regulations to implement biologically unjustified and unethical wolf hunting and trapping laws. FWP developed three options for the Commission’s consideration that would meet the intent of the new laws, ranging from “Limited” to “Maximum” application of the legislatively mandated “management tools.” The “Limited” option met the legislative mandates while minimizing negative impacts to the wildlife resource, sporting ethics, FWP credibility and public opinion.

At the Aug. 20 Commission meeting, Commissioner Patrick Tabor introduced a proposal which included a different combination of actions than recommended by FWP. Commissioner Pat Byorth strongly objected, and we appreciate that both he and Commissioner KC Walsh voted against the proposal. Unfortunately, it was approved by a 3-2 vote, in spite of overwhelming public opposition.

The regulations adopted by the Commission were more extreme than required to meet the letter of the law. The new regulations allow the use of snares on both public and private lands, night hunting on private lands and the use of baits. They also extend the length of the wolf trapping season, increase the harvest limit from five to 10 wolves per person and eliminate quotas in two small WMUs near Yellowstone National Park.

Adoption of these regressive regulations reflects poorly upon the Commission, FWP and the State of Montana. Not only are they not justified biologically, they run counter to generally accepted principles of fair chase and hunting ethics, undermine broader public support for the delisting of endangered species such as grizzly bears and wolves, and add to negative perceptions the non-hunting public holds for recreational trapping and hunting.

Ironically, in their zealous stampede to kill wolves by any means possible, the Legislature and Governor put state control of wolf management directly in the crosshairs. Their short-sighted efforts almost guarantee relisting of wolves and loss of state directed wildlife management.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently announced its intent to initiate a “Status Review of Gray Wolf in the Western U.S.” Their Sept. 15 press release stated, “…potential increases in human-caused mortality may pose a threat to the gray wolf in the western U.S. The Service also finds that new regulatory mechanisms in Idaho and Montana may be inadequate to address this threat. Therefore, the Service finds that gray wolves in the western U.S. may warrant listing.”

These irresponsible actions are destroying FWP’s reputation as one of the finest and most professional state wildlife agencies in the country, are undermining Montana’s past conservation achievements, and jeopardizing FWP’s ability to manage Montana’s wildlife resources in a responsible and ethical manner.

Tim Aldrich, District 1 Commissioner (2017–2020) Missoula;

Logan Brower, District 4 Commissioner (2017 – 2020) Helena;

Shane Colton, District 5 Commissioner (2005–2013, 2017–2020) and former Commission Chair, Billings;

Steve Doherty, District 3 Commissioner (2004–2008) and former Commission Chair, Missoula;

Matt Tourtlotte, District 5 Commissioner (2013–2017), Billings;

Dan Vermillion, District 2 Commissioner (2007–2019) and former Commission Chair, Livingston;

Gary J. Wolfe, District 1 Commissioner (2013–2017), Missoula and Condon

*A longer version of this Guest Opinion was first published Sept. 26, 2021 in “Mountain Journal”


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