Glass recycling funds outdoor recess equipment

SEELEY LAKE – Seeley Lake Elementary received a $1,000 donation from Recycling Works following two glass recycling events in Seeley Lake. The donation will be used to purchase outdoor equipment for students to use during recess.

Recycling Works received a $1,575 grant through the Seeley Lake Community Foundation to offer glass recycling to local residents. Participants were asked to donate $1 per gallon with 100% of the donations benefiting the local schools.

Recycling Works approached SLE Superintendent Josh Gibbs about potential projects for the school. While the literacy program and other academic programs came to mind, they already have funders for them. The staff decided to put the money towards a different area of the school.

Since they don't currently have a lot of equipment that is separate from the equipment used for physical education, Gibbs said they proposed purchasing balls and jump ropes along with a student-friendly storage cage that could be used during recess.

The first recycling event Aug. 28 raised around $600. Saturday, Oct. 2 they had around 30 people stop by and they received nearly $450 in donations.

Gibbs thanked the community members who recycled their glass and made a donation, the Seeley Lake Community Foundation for their support of the program and Recycling Works for supporting the project at SLE.

"It is a great thing," Gibbs said. "It is a cool project and it is cool that they are giving back to the community."


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