Lowdown bulletin

Seeley Lake Sewer

During its reorganization period, the Sewer Board has developed an "Action Plan." The purpose was to create a working document that would guide the actions of the board over the foreseeable future. This is a living plan that will be updated as time goes on but will form a foundation for moving forward.

The areas of focus, with sub-points, are:

1. Improve communication throughout the District. Securing member contact information to use for surveys, digital newsletters, share information, reorganize and increase the value of the website with more informative information, search engine for ease of navigating, create an electronic brochure that will share district information, monthly mission update at the community council meetings, monthly Pathfinder update articles and respond promptly to inquiries.

2. Develop an inventory system that will allow for data gathering and sharing of said information. This concerns our waste water systems data through mapping. Parcel size and type, ownership versus use, wastewater system information, occupancy, water usage and available wells for testing.

3. Create a library of waste water systems information and options. Approved and unapproved, space needed for installation, number of homes or buildings it will support, cost to build, run and maintain, alternative nitrate solutions and comparison chart of systems.

4. Financial Information. Neighborhood income basis, available financial help, grants, loans, bonds, donation fund, county support, resort tax and non-profit support.

5. Determine Missoula City-County Health Department, Department of Environmental Quality and Seeley Lake Sewer District's areas and levels of responsibility.

6. Monitor testing results and evaluate new opportunities.

7. Determine interest level of parcel owners for alternative waste water systems.

8. Develop a list/information on other towns that have recently dealt with wastewater issues, particularly those that have identified "affordable" solutions.

9. Develop a list of engineering firms that have developed "affordable" small sewer systems which might address different portions of the district.

10. Analyze, evaluate and formulate a plan to take steps for the improvement of wastewater treatment in the district.

Each board member has taken one or two areas and will focus on and report to the board each month for discussion, evaluation and direction. We are hoping the district members will engage and support this new "Action Plan" and facilitate the process by sharing constructive information and contact information. To determine if you are within the District and are a member of the Seeley Lake Sewer District, view the map on our website https://seeleysewer.org.


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