Jesus said, "Whoever is not with Me is against Me..."


Reasons many oppose Jesus' one, true Faith:

• Free will....whoever does not gather with Me scatters" (Luke 11:14-[23]). Without remaining with Jesus in His sacraments, whereby we obey His commandments, "we can do nothing" fruitful in His eyes (John 15:1-[5]-27).

• Unbelief. Why would Jesus establish one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, where He would always be with us in His sacraments, if He didn't intend that we join Him there, see Matthew 28:16-[20]? Our participation is commanded by Jesus, "Take and flesh is meat indeed" (Matthew 26:26-28...John 6:22-[55-56]-71); see Ephesians 4:1-[3-6]; 1Corinthians 1:[10]-17.

• False prophets. Are comfortable misinterpretations good for the soul? In Matthew 16:13-[18-19] ~2000 years ago, Jesus founded His one, true Church rooted in Judaism, and He said, "Whoever rejects you [including His forthcoming apostles, disciples, and Church] rejects me..." (Luke 10:1-[16]-42). All other religions are man-made. 

• Feelings. " comes from what is heard,..." (Romans 10:1-[17]-21); when hearing and reading Scripture, 'listen' prayerfully.

• Family. Jesus' effect is division, not peace, because of obstinate resistance and persecution, see Luke 12:1-[51]-59; Matthew 10:1-[34]-42. 

• Hypocrisy. Jesus' hand-chosen apostles were sinners. +Lord, help us all to repent and convert.+

• Righteousness. Scripture teaches: love the sinner; hate the sin. 

• Boredom. It's not about getting entertainment value but the value we give by uniting ourselves to Christ with our sacrificial prayers of contrition, praise, petition, adoration and thanksgiving offered up with Jesus' one-time sacrifice re-presented to God the Father on the altar where Heaven meets Earth. We are drawn by God's Holy Word, then Jesus miraculously changes bread and wine into Himself (Holy Eucharist), veiling His glory with them, so we seek Him out through faith, see Matthew 26:26-28; John 6:53-58; 1Corinthians 10:14-[16]-22, 11:17-[27]-34. *Internet watch: "The Veil Removed." 

• Piety. The Catholic Church promotes solemnity because Jesus is physically present in the tabernacle confirmed by a sanctuary lamp, see Exodus 27:20-21, therefore we reverence Him with adoration, genuflection, kneeling and bowing before the altar where His sacrifice is re-presented. 

• To each their own. Relativism, a heresy in which each has their own "truth," exists when knowledge, truth and morality are not absolute, see Romans 1:[18-21]-32. Jesus said, "I am the" (John 14:1-[6]-14); only His Church provides the fullness of His Truth on Faith and morals. The Catholic Church offers the literal presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, see John 6:22-[55]-71, the absolution of sins by Jesus through a Catholic priest, see John 20:19-[21-23], and a magisterium guided by the Holy Spirit who does not reveal different "truths" to different people, see 1Timothy 3:[15]-16; John 14:1-[26]-31, 16:1-[12-15]-33. 

• "Catholic" isn't in the Bible. "Catholic," meaning "universal," was applied to the Church in ~110 AD after completion of the New Testament. In the 4thcentury, Catholics compiled Scripture into the canon of the Bible whereupon many non-Catholics base their faith and should take care concerning erroneous interpretations. 

"...even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!" (Galatians 1:1-[8]-24).


Reader Comments(1)

MonumentalistJC writes:

Nice assessment Diane, thanks for posting!