20/35 Year Look Back

In celebration of 35 years of the Seeley Swan Pathfinder, each week we will run parts of articles that appeared in the issue 35 years ago and 20 years ago. The entire issue will be uploaded to our website seeleylake.com for you to enjoy. We hope you will enjoy the journey with us as we follow our community through the past 35 years as documented by the Pathfinder.

35 years ago: June 25, 1986 issue

New survey questions surface at Condon community meeting

About a dozen Swan Valley residents questioned members of the Community Attitude Survey Steering Committee at a meeting held Thursday, June 19 at Swan Valley Community Hall in Condon.

Bud Moore, Condon, is concerned that the survey questions so far do not address any environmental or natural resources issues. Others present at the meeting agreed.

Moore pointed out that the Forest Service and Plum Creek have a large impact on lifestyles of residents in the Swan Valley and questions about their land use policies should be addressed in the survey.

The Community Attitude Survey Committee, a group formed last winter, is composed of members of eight local "governing" boards which are seeking information from area residents in an effort to improve services provided by the boards. Board members on the steering committee were selected from the Seeley Lake water district, the refuse district, the fire district, the special hospital district (SOS Health Center), and four school districts.

The survey is being funded by $2200 from Missoula County, $800 from the State, and approximately $300 from each board.

Others at the meeting voiced concern about the possible survey methods. Most were opposed to a telephone survey in the Swan Valley because many people in the valley work outside, are away from phones or do not have phones at all...

To read more visit https://www.seeleylake.com/home/customer_files/article_documents/1986-06-25.pdf

35 years ago: June 25, 1986 issue

Cheetah Herders/Chamber sponsor successful triathlon

Entries for the 1986 Prairie to Peaks Triathlon doubled this year compared to 1985, according to Gwen Schneiter, secretary for the Seeley Condon Chamber of Commerce. There were 21 teams competing. Race chairmen were Grant Lindemer and Pat Caffrey, Seeley Lake.

The event began near Trixie's Saloon in Ovando with runners who ran 4.5 miles to the North Fork of the Blackfoot River, where paddlers navigated canoes downriver to the Scotty Brown fishing access site. Then there was the "pass run" of 1.5 miles to the Highway 200 junction. There the cyclists took over and raced to the finish line at Lindey's parking lot in Seeley Lake.

Winning teams were as follows:

Windbag Saloon, racing division, men.

Three Blind Mice, racing division, women

RAJ 2, standard division, men

Hypothermic Aardvarks, standard division, mixed.

Dick Idol Company, standard division women (three members from Seeley Lake)...

To read more visit https://www.seeleylake.com/home/customer_files/article_documents/1986-06-25.pdf

20 years ago: June 28, 2001 issue

Chamber seeking sponsors for Light Pole Planters

The Seeley Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is now accepting confirmations for 'light pole planters.' These are six-foot boxes that will go around the base of each of the 31 light poles on Highway 83 through town.

For $20 a sponsor will get a sign with their name/business name, a box with soil, and four starter shrubs. These shrubs are being baby-sat by Bob and Kathy Harlock of the Seeley Lake Motor Lodge (formerly the Duck Inn Motel).

Each sponsor will be responsible for loving care upkeep throughout the year and future plants/shrubs. Payment is due by Friday, July 6th.

To reserve your light pole planter, contact...

To read more visithttps://www.seeleylake.com/home/customer_files/article_documents/2001-06-28.pdf


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