Residency program to start at Medical Center this fall

Seeley Lake Hospital District

SEELEY LAKE – At their June 8 meeting, the Seeley-Swan Hospital District Board learned more about the residency program that will be starting at the Seeley-Swan Medical Center this fall.

The Medical Center Satellite Manager Georgiann McCoy said there are several residents interested in doing their rural rotation in Seeley Lake. Dr. Stephen Humpal and Nurse Practitioner Lynne Rogers are hoping to have a resident in the clinic every Friday starting in September. They will have two to three that will rotate every week. McCoy said this will allow for continuity of care. The selection process, which includes an application and interview process, is staring this week.

McCoy said the residents are evaluated on standard criteria every six months and could work at the Medical Center for up to two years.

“I’m really looking forward to it. I think it will be a really good opportunity for the residents and for us as residents of Seeley Lake to be able to have some expanded provider coverage and kind of help with home-growing, hopefully, a bunch of doctors that want to stay and help in Montana.”

In other business, the board reorganized. Twyla Johnson will remain the chair as well as Bruce Richardson as the vice chair. Marty Kux remained the clerk.

The board is still looking to fill McCoy’s position on the board. The board discussed a few people that were recommended, however, they have not received any applications. Anyone interested in serving on the board is encouraged to contact Chair Twyla Johnson or Vice Chair Bruce Richardson.

The Hospital District’s next meeting is July 13 at 5 p.m. via teleconference.


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